I'M BACK!! wow, talk about a looonnnggg trip that was. good to see California again though. but daunting coming home to a super messy craft room and a show less than 2 weeks away. yikes. but luckily i have some inventory made up so i don't feel like i have to completely loose my mind again. however, i do have some new things coming to the show that i'm pretty excited about that i've found over the last few months. i will be posting images soon but if you get a chance come and see me on Aug 6th! it's going to be a great show, i can feel it in my crafty bones. okay, their more likely just brittle bones but still, you get the point.
Your booth was seriously my favorite one! I loved all of your pieces and can't wait to buy more online from you! Especially the vintage bunting flags, so adorable! Hopefully I'll see you at the Firefly market!
Thanks Megan! That means a lot to me! Those shows can be intimidating cause everyone makes such cute stuff. Bit yeah, I'm hoping I get on the firefly bus too, I will find out tomorrow and will post on the blog. Thanks again Megan !
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